Monday, March 24, 2008

The Weekend

So, we finally got out of here around 1 PM on Friday to drive to Mom and Dad's for the weekend.

We were doing just great. The kids slept until around 4 or so and then we stopped at a rest area on the turnpike to change and feed them. I took Melissa and the diaper bag and Dean took Daniel and the other diaper bag. We got them back in the car and gave them a bottle. Took them out of their car seats, burped them, put them back in the car seats and got back on the road.

We decided that rather than driving all the way to Beaver, we would meet Mom and Dad et al at Primanti Brothers in Cranberry. I have been wanting to try their "Pittsburger" ever since I saw a special on the travel channel a few years ago. By the time we got there, the kids were hungry again. So, I go into the bathroom to fill up bottles with water and add the premixed formula. I get back to the table and sit down only to have Grandma (my Grandma) spill her large iced-tea all over the table. Shhhesh.....
So we have our meal, I love the sandwich...I can't believe I ate the whole thing.....

We are walking out the door and my mother falls in the foyer. Keep in mind, the foyer is not lit and it is now getting dark outside....their mat is not very vi sable and mom must have caught her foot on it. Perhaps, if Primanti Brothers actually turned their lights on (which they did as I was taking a picture of mat and dimly lit foyer...coincidence, I think not!!!) maybe Mom wouldn't have fallen. We got mom up and into the car and I went back into the restaurant to give them Mom's name and also to get corporate information in case mom needed further medical assistance( or decided to pursue the matter).

Never a dull moment with my family...

So, we follow Dad to their house on the curviest road I have ever been on.... great after a huge meal, let me tell you.....

I knew I was getting a was Daniel. I can't complain, neither of the kids have gotten sick at was bound to happen.... but Daniel was having a hard time breathing through his nose and decided that he wouldn't sleep all I did not sleep all night either. We had a nice day on Saturday. We had an early Easter dinner, Honey Baked Ham.(yum) After dinner, dad dug out some slides and we had an old fashioned slide show and trip down memory lane...

Daniel work up at 2:00 AM and woke his sister up too, which woke my mom up and my dad up, and Aunt Linda up. I made a bottle for Melissa and Mom took Daniel into her room with her. She spent the rest of the night in the recliner with the massager on, keeping his head propped up so we could get some sleep. We never did make it to church yesterday...the kids just took tun going crazy. We left there at 12:40 pm and got home by 7:00 or so.
It was the most exhausting weekend I have had in recent memory.

Here are the kids in their Easter outfits..

and a family picture...

I think I look exhausted.......


sara* said...

At least your mother didn't break her hip like her brother... Is Aunt Linda next? These things come in threes.

Glad you had a happy (if a little crazy) Easter!

Mary said...
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