Thursday, June 26, 2008



Kind of a strange question, but maybe you know.

The hubby and I are going away for a weekend and my parents will be watching our 8 1/2 month old twins on the other side of the state (we live in the suburbs of Philadelphia and will be in the Pocono Mountains and my parents live an hour north of Pittsburgh). I was going to copy the insurance card for the kids (just in case, God forbid, something happens), but do you have any idea if I need to have any kids of documentation allowing my parents to make medical decisions for the kids in the even that we are unable to be reached. Cell serivce is touch and go in the mountains. The hubby is very concerned as this will be the first time the kids are away from us.

Should we just write a general letter and get it notarized?

What do you think?


The Baby Borrowers

have you seen it yet? Check it out!

I caught a few minutes of it and was actually laughing out loud. Hubby didn't want to watch it. It is reality TV that hits a little too close to home. I was cracking up especially with the little teenage girl who got nauseated when the baby girl vomited all over her highchair. HAHAHHA! Welcome to my world, sister!!! I want to know where my "owner's manual" is!!!

It should certainly help discourage teens from becoming parents. Let me tell you, even in my 30's, having twins has been an eye opening experience. Maybe they should have put this on the air before all those girls in Gloucester MA decided to "get pregnant". I was a stupid teenager. I made a bunch of really galactically stupid choices. Without getting into too much detail, it may have contributed to our infertility. I thought that the "rules" didn't apply to me.

Thank God, things worked out the way they did. In some ways, I wouldn't change a thing. I don't know that I would appreciate the amazing gifts in my life if I didn't have to go through all of the pain and challenge of infertility.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ok, I am a little behind....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Random Shots

She was in a very good mood this afternoon

Daniel being laid back

Crazy girl with her lunch on her face

And for my next trick, I will drink juice from a sippy cup.

The Return to Kohls

and the kids were great. Yeah, believe it or not, I had to return 2 or 3 things that I didn't have a chance to try on.

I did some more shopping and just like yesterday, they freaked in the dressing room. I was smart today... I brought bottles and bottle genies with me.

HAHAHAHA on you, kiddie poos! You might have won the battle yesterday, but Mommy won the war today.

Oh, and we got our "stimulus check" in the mail today. Man, would that have come in handy when I was buying my meds and going through all the IUI's and both IVF cycles.

I also finally broke down and put tomatoes on my sandwich. I am the biggest fan of Roma tomatoes and have been seriously jonesing for them. Hey, I had salmonella poisoning once (chicken soft taco from taco bell in 92...and it nearly killed me), if I get it again, at least I'll get some sleep.....

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Mortified Mommy and the Meltdown Multiples

"Ma'am, is there a problem in there?"

"No, they are tired and teething, thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"No, I am poking them with pins and I'll be ripping their toenails and eyelashes out in another minute! Really. They are fine. It is their nap time and they are just being fussy. Really. Everything is fine."


So, out trip to Kohls today was a bit of a nightmare.

They did great. They were complete angels.


We got into the dressing room so mommy could try on a couple of tops.

Then it happened.

All hell broke loose.

Melissa melted down.

Red faced, breath holding, blood curdling screams. Loud screams. Inconsolable screams. The binky didn't work. Mommy's sunglasses didn't work. Mommy's keys didn't work. Even Mommy's cell phone didn't work. She was having none of it. She just decided that she would meltdown and that was that. And it was nice enough to be one of the fitting rooms that are rather empty so her screams had a really nice echo to them.

Daniel just joined in because Melissa was doing in. We know who the Alpha is now. (HAHAHAHAHA)

I finally relented and just grabbed the shirts and left the fitting room. I walked up to a register with both babies completely freaking out. "Don't you have any help with them?" "Oh yeah, the au pair is off this week.....she and the maid are on a cruise". No, I don't have any friggin' help. Oh yeah, my husband, who works 10 + hours a day. "Don't you have any family?" "Yeah, they are 6 hours you think if I called my mom, she'd come?". Just let me get out of the store so no one else has to go deaf.

Into the parking lot and into the car....and yes, they were asleep before we got out of the lot. Came home, and they slept for another 90 minutes.

Two of the shirts are WAY too low cut, even for me (and I am not exactly a shy person when it comes to cleavage). So, we shall have to return and revisit the fine people at Kohls and maybe be lucky enough to have to stand in line to return the shirts.


I made out like a bandit on kids clothes...jeans for $3....levis......I got 12 and 18 month sizes becuase God only knows how big these kids are going to be in the fall.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Too Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you have to check this out.

I nearly peed my pants.

All the difference in the world

It is amazing what a few hours sleep can do.
I was in bed by 7 pm. I believe I was out before my head hit the pillow.
I woke up twice in the night for the babies but felt great at 6 this morning.
I got up, went to the grocery store, came back, fed the kids, loaded the dishwasher, started some laundry....

Amazing! I feel like a different person.

Yesterday I wanted to run away. A good friend of mine reminded me that Moms don't get to do that and that things could be worse.

Tonight, Daddy has extended "Daddy Duty" as I have to bartend for our monthly "Dance Night" since the other 2 bartenders are out of town. It should be fun. We try to go but this will be different since I will behind the bar rather than sitting at it. It's extra $ so I am not going to complain.

Have to change loads of laundry....feeling very industrious today.....

Friday, June 20, 2008

That's It, I'm Done

yes, I am done.

I got almost 2 whole hours sleep last night combined.

Number of times Mommy got up =12
Number of times Daddy got up = 0

And this is after being sleep deprived for countless nights and only getting a 40 minute nap yesterday. I may have had 8 hours sleep in the last 3 days. If I am lucky. Which I am not.

Screw it.
Yeah, we have no food in the house.
yeah, the kids need formula from Costco.
Yeah, they will be drinking extremely watered down apple juice out of dirty bottles.


I just give up. I don't have the energy to deal with it today.

Boy, I sure hope Daddy has a good day.....

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daniel and the Atomic Diaper

How can so much poop come out of such a little body.

On another note...the boy is very chatty. I couldn't help it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Sleepless Night

We put the kids to bed around 8 last night, even though we skipped their bath. They did great for a while and then WAMMO! 1 am rolls around and Daniel has a melt down. So, we put him in bed with us (again). I know that we can't keep doing this because he will get used to it and I will never have another restful night of sleep again.

So, I decided to bathe the kids myself today. Well, actually, Daniel took an atomic dump and got poop everywhere...I mean everywhere...the kid was brown from the nibbies to the knees.... sometimes there aren't enough wipes in the world.....

Keep in mind, it is much easier if I am in the tub with them that traying to lean over the side of the tub and keep them in the little plastic one. Normally, one of us is in the tub with them. Boy, when you try to do it yourself, it is a challenge. They are slippery little suckers!!!!

So I am getting ready to go to work and trying to keep the kids awake so that mayber they will get a nap in later and give Daddy a break. I know that he is tired from work and it is lot for him to walk in the door and take on Daddy Duty, but I do it all day, everyday...

It is much cooler here today and we are finally able to turn off the AC. I mean between diapers, wipes, formula, food and gasoline...the last thing that I need to a huge electric bill....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

crazy little monkies

Monday, June 16, 2008

We are 8 Months Old and She Got A Tooth!!!!

Yes, it has been 8 months. I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like it was yesterday when we brought home two tiny little bundles and thought that it would be soooo easy. Boy, were we wrong. Thousands of diaper changes and bottles, hundreds of loads of laundry, hundreds of hours of lost sleep, dozens of bottles of mylicon and tylenol and a surgery later... we know better. They are just changing so much every day. And they are huge! I just tell people that they are good eaters...which they are. They are both in to 12 month clothes, although they will fit in some 9 months stuff. They are both rolling over and over and over. They are both very chatty... lots of ba ba ba ba ba mmmmmm and giggles.

Well, we had a nice weekend around here. Saturday afternoon, we went over to some friends' house and the kids went in the pool with Auntie Jo and Mommy. They really enjoyed it. We had to leave a little early to beat the thunderstorm but had a nice time nonetheless.

Sunday, (Father's Day) Hubby slept in until noon. I am not as good at making breakfast as he is, so I decided that in order to not torture the poor man, I would have him sleep in in lieu of the normal "breakfast in bed". After he got up, he went out and did his favorite thing: work in the yard. It was a really nice day, not too humid. He got a lot done and we decided that we would cook out. We had a nice supper and Uncle Keith and Auntie Jo stopped over.

After everything started to settle down, Dean asked me to look in Melissa's mouth. Guess who is in the process of cutting her first tooth.... Yup! My little girl monster had a "toofer" popping through on the bottom. I tried to take a picture, but she is a wiggle worm.....
It was just nice that she did it on Father's Day and he was the one who found it...but if you would have told me that she would cut a tooth before Daniel, I never would have believed you. He has been teething like C R A Z Y!!!!!! He is constantly drooling and chewing and gnawing.... but the little man is sleeping all night.... Now, if we can just get Miss Melissa to cooperate....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weathering the storm

So after 4 days of seriously oppressive heat here, we finally broke the heat wave. Around 8 last night, the skies darkened and the winds began. The winds were strong enough to nearly blow away our gazebo, knock off branches and make our power go out for a few minutes. The kids didn't seem to mind the crazy thunder and lightning so we are pretty happy about that. The yard is a bit messy and we have to put the canopy back on the gazebo, but we are safe.

Yesterday, Melissa also took her first dip in our neighbors' pool. She kicked her feet and sat on Aunt Cindy's lap who was floating in an inflatable seat. She was wearing her tankini...camouflage, of course.... she really seemed to enjoy it (even though she wouldn't smile for mommy).

Monday, June 9, 2008

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Messy but cute

So, it is like a bazillion degrees outside so, we are hanging out in the house today. Daniel's breakfast is on his shirt and Melissa is wearing a dirty bib, but aren't they getting big?

The kids went to bed around 8:30 last night and woke up three times. I wish I could figure out how we can get them back to sleeping all night because I don't know how much longer I can function on only a few hours sleep a night. Yesterday, the only napped for a total of two hours. One would think that they would be exhausted and want to sleep all night (Lord knows I wanted to), but they didn't. they were both up at 5:45 this morning and have just now gone for a nap (it is nearly noon).

The teething continues... Daniel loves his teething ring and we have also started to give them cool water with apple and grape juice. There seems to be no ill effects and the kids like it.

So, if anyone out there has any ideas or suggestions, we are most open to hearing them....
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Saturday, June 7, 2008

How hot is it?

It's so hot that even the squirrels are finding shade....
Just took this a minute ago....
I love my camera sometimes.
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Thursday, June 5, 2008

And the beat goes on...

So the "we're not going to sleep through the night" dance continues. I think it is more Melissa than Daniel. She wakes up between 2 and 3 am and screams. We even tried the "cry it out" method, but that is really a tough one when you have twins sleeping in the same room. Cry it out = 2 babies awake and screaming. hopefully after their teeth erupt, they will go back to the little angels they were before Easter.

They are both rolling over. And over....and over....and over. It is really comical. Melissa is not really crazy about being on her belly for very long, but Daniel just doesn't seem to mind. Sometimes he is so laid back and other times, he is just a crazy man.

The kids will be going to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the 4th of July. It will be our first weekend away from them. Not that I don't love my children, but a weekend away sounds WONDERFUL at this point.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

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Watching the world go by...

The kids love watching cars. We have had such nice weather, we put them out on the porch last night so they could hang out for a while.
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