Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Baby Borrowers

have you seen it yet? Check it out!

I caught a few minutes of it and was actually laughing out loud. Hubby didn't want to watch it. It is reality TV that hits a little too close to home. I was cracking up especially with the little teenage girl who got nauseated when the baby girl vomited all over her highchair. HAHAHHA! Welcome to my world, sister!!! I want to know where my "owner's manual" is!!!

It should certainly help discourage teens from becoming parents. Let me tell you, even in my 30's, having twins has been an eye opening experience. Maybe they should have put this on the air before all those girls in Gloucester MA decided to "get pregnant". I was a stupid teenager. I made a bunch of really galactically stupid choices. Without getting into too much detail, it may have contributed to our infertility. I thought that the "rules" didn't apply to me.

Thank God, things worked out the way they did. In some ways, I wouldn't change a thing. I don't know that I would appreciate the amazing gifts in my life if I didn't have to go through all of the pain and challenge of infertility.