Saturday, March 15, 2008

another day...

Today has been a pretty difficult one so far. Daniel is the fussiest he has been since he had his hernia surgery. He just seems inconsolable. He doesn't want to be in the swing, or play with the kicky-kicky. He wants to be held, then he doesn't. I keep on checking his mouth for little white bumps (thinking of course, that he might be working on a tooth) but so far nothing. He is drooling a lot more. They were 9 1/2 weeks premature so it might be too early for teeth. I'm stumped.

The kids will be 5 months old tomorrow. I really can't believe it. I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was driving back and forth to the NICU, complaining about certain nurses and wondering if I would ever be able to handle two babies on my own. Now, it's just something I do.

We will be going to the Palm Sunday breakfast at the Fire House in the morning. I wish that we could have helped out more, but it should be a great success. The kids will at least get so see some of their "aunts" and "uncles".