Monday, March 10, 2008

A day in the life

Everyone who sees me out with the kids ask me how do I do it. I don't know. I just do it. It's instinct. They are my kids, I am their Mommy.... I just do everything twice. I don't know how it would be of we had had only one baby and then had twins afterwards. I would have probably bought a one way ticket to the grin bin, but I am doing it. Somedays, I don't know how, but I am doing it.

Their schedule is always subject to change but goes something like this:

6-7 am: Wake Mommy up. If it is Melissa, she is quiet for at least the first few minutes unless she is really hungry, then look out!!! If it is Daniel, he is ALWAYS hungry and is not very patient. The kids get changed and fed thanks to our bottle genies. They are by far the best purchase we have made. I don't know how I could get through the day without them.

The kids generally go back to sleep until around 10 am. We have some tummy time and play on the kicky-kicky. They love this and we are very glad that Grandma and Grandpa bought it for them.

Around noon, the kids eat again. They are taking a mixture of breast milk and formula and will usually take about 7 oz at each feeding.

We try to keep them up during the afternoon so that by the time that bath time (between 8 and 9 pm) rolls around, they are exhausted. We generally feed them their peas, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes or green beans around 7:30 pm. If it is bath night, they get topped off with a super bottle (a scoop of rice cereal added in). I know that I'm not supposed to do that, but they love it and they sleep all night.

They are really amazing kids. Daniel is such a ham. He has a great smile and is such a happy baby. Melissa is reserved and shy. She smiles, but she can be a little stingy with them. She is our cuddle bug and will hug you tight during nap time.

We are so proud of them. They are both doing great holding their heads up and now grabbing things and putting them in their mouths. It seems that there have been few or no effects due to their prematurity.

We are blessed. We make a lot of messes. The laundry never ends. I would go on vacation but know that I would miss them terribly. But, WE ARE BLESSED.