Thursday, August 14, 2008


Finally fed up with blogger.

I have moved to

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Not so bad....Tales from the EA...

Well, I survived the Endometrial Ablation.

I ended up getting call back from the ob/gyn office and was told that I could double up on the "sedative". So I did. Hubby came home form work and drove me to the office. When I arrived, I was told that they were also going to administer some pain medication (IM of course...ahh, I don't miss the days of the old HCG trigger shot) which I am pretty sure was toradol (sp) or something like that. I waited ten minutes and was taken back to one of the rooms. I had been in the room before...when I had my first ultrasound with the twins.

I was smart. I brought my ipod. I had some very nice relaxation music that I use to fall asleep sometimes. I set up the old ipod to repeat the same song over and over and thought I was set.

So, Dr. H comes in. Now don't get me wrong, I love this guy. Heck, he delivered my babies...... He does a "quick" check to make sure that everything looked okay. No biggie. Then, he applies a topical anesthetic on to my cervix. Again, no biggie. La la la la. Then, he decides that he will turn on the TV. No, not to watch tv, but to play a "Friends" DVD. Yeah....really friggin' relaxing. He told me that it was supposed to be background noise. Gee Doc, what kind of noises are you trying to cover. He sees me there on the table with my ear buds in, trying to relax and he decides he's in the mood for a sitcom. NICE!

So he is tinkering, and tinkering. Then he announces that I might feel a pinch. Well, he injected some kind of numbing agent into the old cervix. Well, much to my entire mouth goes numb. Yeah. I wasn't aware that there was a nerve that ran from my cervix to my mouth. Interesting.

Now, at this point, I am pretty high between the sedative and the pain killer. I am just kicked back watching all the pretty colors through my eyelids. He is turning the lights on then he turns them off, then back on again. I keep hearing things being unwrapped. Lots of things. I didn't think so much "stuff" could fit in there. And in the background, Joey Tribiani and Phoebe. God, just turn the damn TV off. It is killing my buzz. If Dr. H started to laugh I am not sure what I would have done.

The machine is talking. It is telling him exactly what to do. I feel some pretty severe cramping and try to (Lamaze) breathe my way through it. He tells me that I am halfway done. Then I hear the machine announce that the "probe temperature is minus 175 degrees". Yowza....that seems cold, especially to be in my 98.6 degree body. I decide that Dr. H. knows what he is doing and yet the machine has no reason to lie.

I start to feel more cramping and realize that the pain killer is wearing off. Yuck.

The next thing you know, I'm done. Dr. H asks if I need a hand getting up. Ummmm, yeah, that would be nice. He helps me up and then goes looking through the drawers for a pad, which he leaves for me.

I get up, slowly, and get myself dressed. I walk myself out to the waiting room and call the hubby to pick me up.

When I get home I am really, really crampy. Like the worst menstrual cramp crossed with a stomach flu cramp and some labor pains sprinkled on top for good measure. I take some Tylenol...(yeah, that will work) and go up to bed.

One of my girlfriends, Angie, stopped over with her son (Melissa's boyfriend, Colin) and gives hubby a break for a few minutes. So, I stumble down the stairs to say hello. Then go back up to bed. A few hours later, my friends Keith and Joann come over to give hubby another break. I again, stumble down the stairs to say hello. I just want to know where all my friends are when I need "a break". Oh yeah, that's right...they work during the day.

I self medicated to get to sleep and woke up about 7 on Saturday morning. By noon or so, I was starting to feel like normal. Still some cramps, but nothing that I couldn't handle. Oh, and NO BLEEDING. Did I mention that............NO BLEEDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yee Haaa!

By Sunday, I was back and feeling good. Some other friends (Craig, Brenda, Hannah and Heather) stopped over to check up on me and couldn't believe how well I was getting around. Having twins doesn't exactly afford me the opportunity to be down for long.

So, here it is, Monday morning. The kids are up, dressed, fed and changed....(thank you Daniel for pooping everywhere). I must straighted up as Mom and Dad and Grandma will be here this afternoon.

In short, not so bad. HSG and hysteroscopies and laproscopies must have toughened me up.

Friday, August 8, 2008

EA Day

So, today is the Endometrial Ablation. I am a little nervous. I walked the kids down to the local pharmacy to pick up the Rx for my "sedative" yesterday and after work last night, I took one just to see what the effect would be. It did NOTHING. Now I am really concerned. As soon as the office opens I am calling to find out if we should double up on the pills or if he wants to call in another Rx. I have this strange tolerance to pain medications. After the kids were born, they wanted to give me percocet and motrin. They may as well have given me pez and chewing gum. needless to say, I ended up with Dilauded...which seems to be the only pain medication that works for me. I didn't realize that my strange tolerance spilled over into sedatives too. I just don't really want to feel everything this afternoon.

I have just left a message on their machine. I hope they call me back soon.

Hopefully, I will feel up to blogging later and let everyone know how the procedure went.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

So Much Going On

This just seems like a crazy time in our little corner of the world.

We had a bunch of friends over this past weekend and somehow, my most prized material possession got dropped. Yes, my new Canon G9 digital camera that I LOVE is in the repair shop to the tune of $200 to hopefully repair. Luckily, my next door neighbor had a spare digital camera so at least I can still take pictures of the kids. My camera may take 4-6 weeks to finally be repaired. I am very upset as the camera was more than $500 and it is only a few months old. I think I need to get a more careful bunch of friends.

All systems are go for my endometrial cryoablation. Dean is taking a half day and will stay with kids while I am having the "procedure" done in the office. Luckily, my OB/GYN's office is literally around the corner from our house, so hopefully getting home will not be a challenge. I am just hoping that it won't be too terribly painful. If it is, I do still have some left over pain meds from the c-section and I am not afraid to take them.... No pain, No pain is what I always say.

On a very personal note, I am kind of sad. The "procedure" means that there will not be any more kids. I know that I should be satisfied with my beautiful babies, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I am terrified that something will happen to them and I will be all alone. We fought so hard to get them here and now, here I am, voluntarily having a surgery that will all but make it impossible to ever have any more children, ever. But then I think that as long as these beautiful babies have been here, I have been miserable with the bleeding. I haven't been able to be a good wife (if you catch my drift...wink wink) and I know that I have been a total b*tch to just about everyone, let alone being exhausted and anemic ALL THE TIME. I know that ultimately, I am making the right decision.

Dean and I are continuing our search for the adoptive parents for the embryos. I really feel for all of the families. They all seem wonderful and I know they would love any children that were to become from these embies. I just feel that it would only be fair to select the couple with no children. There are several that already have children, one family with 6 kids (all through adoption). I know what I felt when we were TTC and I would see a family with a gaggle of kids. "I just want one. I'm not being greedy. I just want one baby to love". And we were blessed. We were given two. I would like to make our final decision sometime in the next month. We shall see.

The kids are doing great. We are doing a lot more tummy time and trying to encourage them to crawl. Most of the time, Daniel decided to just roll around but we are being patient. They were spending a lot of time in the exersaucer and the jolly jumper and their legs are super strong. They will stand (with one of us holding them around the waist) and bounce around. And they are both babbling non stop. It is too cute.

They have a pediatrician appointment next week so I can finally get an accurate weight on the boy. He is huge! They are fed the same amount at the same time and he is just so much heavier than Melissa. He is a tank!!! (Just like his Mommy was when she was little).

I love the encouraging comments, please keep them coming.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Birthdays, Basements and Surgical Procedures, Oh My!!!

So, yesterday was a good day. I woke up with a phone call from my Aunt who calls every year to sing Happy Birthday to me. She woke me up at 7:30 but I was just milking the sleeping since Dean was downstairs with the kids already.

He made me breakfast and then I went for a much needed pedicure. I do so love my pedicures.

When I got back, he informed me that my OB/Gyn's office called. I am scheduled for 8/8 for an Endometrial Ablation (they cryofreeze the endometrium so it goes endometrium=no bleeding every month). It might be TMI, but AF has been very strange. I had the normal post partum deal and then it just never went away. So, for the last 9 1/2 months, it is been pretty much nonstop. They tried me on 3 different kinds of Oral Contraceptives to try to regulate it, but even the "strongest" pill, did not work. The only relief was when they had me double up and take two pills a day. So, now, since we have decided that any more children are out of the question, I am having to EA done.

I had actually asked about a hysterectomy, but being in my mid thirties doesn't make me an ideal candidate. So, we will have the in office procedure and then a couple weeks later, they are putting in a Mirena IUD to have a slow release of progesterone. Eventually AF will not exist at all. That is fine with me. My Mother didn't hit menopause until she was 60 and the thought of AF until then is just INSANE!!!!!!!!


We spend most of the rest of yesterday cleaning out our basement. Not exactly fun, but it needed to be done. A friend is moving this weekend and was nice enough to rid us of a couple air conditioners, a bed, a TV and TV stand. So, in order to get all that out, we really HAD to clean. We eventually want to turn the basement into a family room or at the minimum, a man cave for Dean.... Nothing but the History Channel, The Military Channel and a kegerator.

We are having a get together tonight. A lot of the same gang we went camping with last month. So I hope the predicted "spotty storms" stay away at least long enough to get a few games of Redneck Horseshoes in.