Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Atypical Tuesdays With The Teething Twosome

So the hubby took today off. The original plan was to finish painting our bedroom (from horrible pepto bismol pink to a nice taupe), but since it is really nice out, hubby is outside filling cracks in the sidewalk. He just left on his second trip to the Home Depot. This time, he took Melissa. She should get used to that store, since her Daddy goes there every week. I have this sneaky feeling that the bedroom is not going to be finished this week, and honestly, I am fine with that.

Daniel is being a little extra fussy today. His second tooth is about the break through and I really feel bad for him. I am giving him ibuprofen and using the baby oragel but nothing really seems to work.

I seem to be falling apart as well. Over the past month or so, I have had increasing pain in my wrist. I am sure that it is just tendonitis. But, the recommended treatment is Rest, Ice and Compression. I can manage the Ice and the Compression, but it is not like I can just stop picking up the kids (who are HUGE, by the way). So, I have to suck it up.

I also "escaped" this morning to run over and get my hair trimmed. It is getting longer and the ends were really bad and starting to break. So, I had the girl cut a whole inch off. It is hard for me to cut my hair. I still have issues with my hair. I had REALLY bad hair growing up. No, I mean REALLY bad. Kind of a mousy brown shrub on my head. It was like a "white girl fro". And when I was even younger, my mother always kept it short so everyone thought I was a little boy. My hair was wavy but when puberty got kinky curly...thus the "WGF". I started to let it grow out in 9th grade and have never had it short since then. It has always been at least a "bob". At one point, when Hubby and I got together, it was at the middle of my back but that is about as long as I have ever had it. Hubby loves it when my hair is long but with two grabby, sticky handed babies, it is not practical. So it is a little shorter, but long enough that I can put it up. Now, I just need to figure out what to do with the color (have to cover the greys).

So, the only sound in my house is the boy child chewing on his hand and the TV. It feels weird. Even the dogs are being quiet...

Perhaps I will even get to take a nap......


cat said...

Well, hope you got that nap worked in.