Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Digs for Melissa

Well, we finally did it.

We finally broke down and got a new crib.

The kids were just getting too big and starting to kick the crap out of each other.

The lovely people at the American Academy of Pediatrics should be so proud of us now... we have submitted to their will!!! No more "cosleeping".

Daddy put the new crib together last night, with the assistance of Daniel.

This of course means that there is no place for Grandma to sleep when she comes to visit unless she wants to sleep in the living room.

Daniel and Melissa and Dean and I loaded up the kids and headed over to Target with gift cards in hand and bought the Aspen crib for Melissa. It isn't quite the same model, but the color of the wood is really close.We went over to Babies R Us and got a new mattress and mattress cover.

She seemed to enjoy it well enough but I thin that she might miss Daniel a little bit. She woke up me several times between 3:45 and 6 am.

So now, our tiny nursery is the home to two beautiful babies, two cribs, one dressing table and a rocking elephant.

On the feeding front, we tried green beans last night and the kids really enjoyed them. Then since she was acting extras hungry, Melissa also had some bananas. She REALLY enjoyed them.
So, after dinner, and after the bath, and just before the "super bottle" I was able to catch this cute shot... my little family, who ever would have "thunk" it!


Frederick said...

Good Job! Soon they will want their own space and the stuff will expand! I know that, I am your Father! Great Pictures! Hey, we are approaching our last year of service before retirement! See you soon!



SMiLeD said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! Your babies are adorable. I was so sad when we finally had to seperate the babies into seperate cribs, but seeing as they were rolling all over each other it was time.

Gemini Girl said...

New reader here!

Our paths are quite similar. I too have twin girls after ivf who were born 10 weeks early on November 13, 2007. One of my daughters stayed in the NICU for 4 weeks, the other 6 weeks.

You have a beautiful family and I will be popping in to visit!